Graphic element with blue to violet gradient shape
Graphic element with blue to violet gradient shape
Graphic element with blue to violet gradient shape
A pattern made of dots placed behind the main visual
A pattern made of dots placed behind the main visual
A pattern made of dots placed behind the main visual

AI-Powered Document
Translation Services

AI-Powered Document
Translation Services

AI-Powered Document
Translation Services

Translate any PDF-document to 30+ languages with just a few clicks.

Translate any PDF-document to 30+ languages with just a few clicks.

Translate any PDF-document to 30+ languages with just a few clicks.


How does it work?

How does it work?

  1. Simply upload your PDF document and choose the target language.

  2. Receive a preview of your translated document along with a Stripe payment link within 24h.

  3. Once payment is complete, your fully translated document will be delivered straight to your inbox.

  1. Upload your PDF-document

  2. Select the desired target language

  3. Receive your translated document in 24h

  1. Simply upload your PDF document and choose the target language.

  2. Receive a preview of your translated document along with a Stripe payment link within 24h.

  3. Once payment is complete, your fully translated document will be delivered straight to your inbox.


Translate your PDF's Effortlessly

No File Size Limits

Translate documents without worrying about size limits. We can handle large files like reports, manuals or entire books.

High-Quality Translations

Experience human-like and contextually accurate translations that break down language barriers.

Preservation of Layout

We edit the pdf's manually, ensuring that your translated documents look just as the original design (layout, images, styles)


Start Translating Today
Choose a plan

up to 10.000 words*


Free translation preview

Translation within 24 hours

30+ languages supported

We translate any visible text (no images, graphics or formulas)

Preserve the same layout
(styles, images, fonts, etc.)

up to 150.000 words


Translate large documents

High quality translations

Premium Support

Private & Secure

30+ supported languages

Translation within 24 hours

Professional Plan
300.000 words per month


All benefits from Standard

High Volume Translations

Early Acces to Beta Version

Fastest Translation Time

24/7 Priority Support

Private & Secure

Private & Secure

Cancel anytime

Support included

*Documents with more than 10 000 words will require multiple orders or a subscription.
e.g. a 50,000 word document requires 5 one-time orders to be fully translated.

You can use this free website to count how many words your pdf-document contains.


What Our Customers Say

Xenia Sterrenburg


"It has been a big time-saver and the high-quality translations always leave a great impression. A must-have in my toolkit!"

Jevgeni Feldman

Business Owner

"Document Translator is the only tool I've found that can translate documents larger than 50 MB. Would highly recommend"

"Document Translator has improved the communication with our international partners. I highly recommend this tool."

Jelena Kapustina


"This has helped enormously with translating my ebook. It has allowed me to make my book more accessible and reach more people . "

"It has helped me with translating my ebooks. It has allowed me to make my ebooks more accessible and reach a wider audience. "


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